Need help with your drug use?
If you have a drug problem, NA can help.
Narcotics Anonymous (NA) is a community of people who meet regularly to help each other stay clean.
Please come along to a meeting. Everyone is welcome. There are no costs, no membership fees, no referrals needed and we don’t keep records.
You can find a list of NA meetings in Aotearoa NZ here. If you need help finding a meeting, please leave a message on our helpline on 0800 NA Today (0800 628 632).
Narcotics Anonymous is:
- open to anyone who feels they may have a drug problem
- free of charge
- anonymous
- NOT religious — you don’t have to believe in God
We believe anyone can stop using drugs and have a better life if they follow the NA programme.
NA Meetings
Going to an NA meeting is free and simple.
In NA meetings people share their stories, how they got clean, and how they live without drugs. You don’t have to share unless you want to — many people just listen to begin with. All NA meetings are run by people who want to stay clean, for people who want to get and stay clean.
Most NA meetings run for an hour. All meetings are held at the same time and place every week. Meetings run right through all holidays, including Christmas Day and New Year’s Day.
All you need to do is:
- find out where and when there is a meeting that suits you
- turn up
- read more on going to your first meeting here.
If you can’t come to a face-to-face meeting, there are meetings online.
That’s it. No sign in, no money to pay, no appointment to make, no referral needed. No intrusive questions, no commitments, no surveillance. Your privacy will be respected. No one can make you come back to NA. You can go to different meetings as often or as little as you wish.